Trading Oysters and Mussels in Donegal and Northern Ireland

The summer of 2022 was an action-packed season for Foyle Bia Mara, touring Donegal and Northern Ireland for events, markets and festivals. Our shucking team packed up our best oysters and mussels to bring the taste of Lough Foyle to our local seafood lovers.

Foyle Maritime Festival: A Feast for the Senses

Every two years, the city of Derry welcomes the Round the World Clipper Race competitors at one of their stops on their journey around the globe. The Foyle Maritime Festival grew up around it and is now a famous event that draws crowds from round the island of Ireland and further afield. We were very fortunate to have the opportunity of trading at the festival, basking in the vibrant atmosphere, enjoying engaging conversations with the many visitors to our stall, and showcasing our finest oysters to seafood aficionados and oyster newbies alike.

Savour the Flavour in Donegal Town

This summer foodie festival has a reputation as one of the best in Ireland, playing host to some of the country’s finest chefs and culinary experts who engaged visitors with cookery demonstrations and talks on the local food scene. We took part in the food market where festival-goers could meet a whole range of artisanal producers from around Donegal, gain insight into their businesses and try the range of products available. The energy in the town was electric, with street performers and music, in addition to the variety of food experiences.

Local Markets

Who doesn’t love a local craft or farmers market? We couldn’t get enough of them over the summer. The Mullan HOPE Centre launched their farmers market in Moville running every second Sunday bringing a great sense of community among local crafters, producers and the public.

The Walled City Market in Derry is another favourite market which took place once a month at Guildhall Square where we got to share our shellfish and story with people from all walks of life, whether they were people who lived in the city or tourist to the area.

Introducing Palates to the Pleasures of Shellfish

It was a busy summer trading shellfish, but we were also on a mission to educate and entice palates to experience the oysters and mussels we took years to cultivate. Whether it was a first-time oyster taster or a seasoned seafood connoisseur, we took pride in introducing people to the flavours and textures of our Local, Lough Foyle shellfish.

It was a summer celebration of seafood, storytelling, and shared experiences, reminding us that the best journeys are often those shared with others. We can’t wait for the next one!

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